Hindi Sabbath School

Hope Sabbath School is a weekly in-depth interactive study of the Word of God.

Hindi Sabbath School


13 जीवित प्रभु

The topics for this week include a discussion of the disciples’ experience in believing in Jesus Christ as the risen Lord.

12 सताया और क्रूस पर चढ़ाया गया

This week’s lesson presents the trial of Jesus, His condemnation, the mockery by the soldiers, His crucifixion, and then His death and burial.

11 पकड़ा और सताया गया

This week’s study analyzes the anointing of Jesus with costly perfume, Peter’s forsaking of Jesus and Jesus’ suffering as a direct fulfillment of prophecy.

10 अंतिम दिन

The main topic for study this week is the eschatological material of Mark 13 or the analysis of its inner context and the perspective of Ellen G. White on this topic.

09 यरूशलेम पर विवाद

This week’s study considers some significant incidents in Jesus’ life that transpire in Jerusalem, most specifically concerning the temple.

08 शिष्यों को शिक्षा भाग२

Our study this week addresses the question of how we may enter the kingdom of God. We also look at the challenges that people face in their intention to enter the kingdom or to experience the kingdom now.

07 शिष्यों को शिक्षा भाग१

This week’s study covers the priority of Jesus’ mission in light of God’s redemptive plan and the glory of God’s kingdom as portrayed, specifically, in the event of the Transfiguration.

06 अन्दर-बाहर

Jesus stirs up controversy by His rejection of religious tradition. However, He does it in a way that is strikingly supportive of something deeply relevant to Christian life today.

05 झील के निकट चमत्कार

This week’s study considers two miracles of Jesus. The first account is the story of a man, a member of a Gentile community, who was possessed by an unclean spirit. The other narrative is the story of an “unclean” woman who is a member of the Jewish community.

04 दृष्टानत

This week's study is on the parables in Mark 4, how to interpret what they mean, why Jesus used them, what kind of lessons they were intended to reveal, and how literally they were to be taken.

03 वादविवाद

In Mark 2 and 3, the author highlights the fact that some religious teachers misapprehended and distrusted Jesus’ message.

02 मसीह की एक दिन की सेविकाई

The emphasis in the beginning of the Gospel of Mark is on action, particularly of Jesus’ healing of people. Mark often uses the word immediately to illustrate the fast-action movement of Jesus’ ministry.

About the Show

Hope Sabbath School is a weekly in-depth interactive study of the Word of God.

Hindi Sabbath School
Hindi Sabbath School
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