Latest Episodes

02 केंद्रीय मुद्दा: प्यार या स्वार्थ?

Jesus’ instruction in Matthew 24 clearly outlines last-day events in the context of Jerusalem’s fall.

01 खोये हुए सन्दूक के अंदर (भाग 1)

Jesus overcame Satan when He was tempted in the wilderness by responding to Satan saying "It is written ....". Join us as we find out what is written and where it is so that we too could overcome Satan by those same words.

01 अदुल्लाम की गुफा

Trust in the Lord with all your Heart

01 अदुल्लाम की गुफा

The Bible says to trust in the Lord with all your heart and the Lord will guide you your life. Learn how to trust Him more in this series with Elder Rozer Bhatti.

01 रभावशाली मसीही गवाह

Running a happy, successful home can be compared to running a successful business. You need to know your mission, make sure the family members are appreciated and important, have an atmosphere of trust and safety along with guidelines and rules and often discuss all the concerns and challenges. This will keep the family united. Learn more about how to keep a family together in this series “Adventist Home”.

01 धार्मिक मामलों में बुद्धि का उपयोगिता

Every Christian should know that our sins have been forgiven and we have received life and wisdom through His name's sake. Learn what more everyone should know with Pr. Alex Dang.

01 सभी युद्धों के पीछे का युद्ध

Looking at the world through the lens of God’s love, in light of the great controversy between good and evil, reassures each of us that right will triumph over wrong, and will do so forever.

13 Spiritual Enemy - Satan

While living in this world, God wants us not to conform to this world, hence He guides us to move towards spirituality. In these series of sermons we will see how important spirituality is to our lives and how it brings us closer to God.

13 Repentance

It is Written

13 Repentance

Jesus overcame Satan when He was tempted in the wilderness by responding to Satan saying "It is written ....". Join us as we find out what is written and where it is so that we too could overcome Satan by those same words.