Latest Episodes

12 सताया और क्रूस पर चढ़ाया गया

This week’s lesson presents the trial of Jesus, His condemnation, the mockery by the soldiers, His crucifixion, and then His death and burial.

11 साहसी उपदेशक

Jesus has given us a mission to go preach the gospel to the very ends of this earth. Learn what contribution is expected from you by Jesus to accomplish His will on this earth in this series.

11 ⁠खुशहाल सफलतापूर्ण साझेदारी

Running a happy, successful home can be compared to running a successful business. You need to know your mission, make sure the family members are appreciated and important, have an atmosphere of trust and safety along with guidelines and rules and often discuss all the concerns and challenges. This will keep the family united. Learn more about how to keep a family together in this series “Adventist Home”.

11 चुनना

Faith and Acceptance

11 चुनना

The bible says that it is impossible to please God without faith in God. Through faith in Him, you can pave a way to be accepted into the kingdom of heaven.

11 पकड़ा और सताया गया

This week’s study analyzes the anointing of Jesus with costly perfume, Peter’s forsaking of Jesus and Jesus’ suffering as a direct fulfillment of prophecy.

10 यीशु की खातिर

Jesus has given us a mission to go preach the gospel to the very ends of this earth. Learn what contribution is expected from you by Jesus to accomplish His will on this earth in this series.

10 संकल्पवद्ध वायदे⁠

Running a happy, successful home can be compared to running a successful business. You need to know your mission, make sure the family members are appreciated and important, have an atmosphere of trust and safety along with guidelines and rules and often discuss all the concerns and challenges. This will keep the family united. Learn more about how to keep a family together in this series “Adventist Home”.

10 पुनरुत्थान

The bible says that it is impossible to please God without faith in God. Through faith in Him, you can pave a way to be accepted into the kingdom of heaven.