Hindi Sabbath School

09 परमेश्वर की राज्य की नींव

The law of God, which includes the Sabbath, is eternal and immutable because it represents God’s being, character, status as Creator and King of the universe, and His principles for life and relationships. The heavenly sanctuary is the seat of God’s government and of His salvation.

The law of God, which includes the Sabbath, is eternal and immutable because it represents God’s being, character, status as Creator and King of the universe, and His principles for life and relationships. The heavenly sanctuary is the seat of God’s government and of His salvation.

Pr. Shyam

Pr. Shyam

Pr. Ardon Ward

Pr. Ardon Ward

Pr. Jayant K Rajan

Pr. Jayant K Rajan

Mrs. Nirupama Ardon Ward

Mrs. Nirupama Ardon Ward

Mrs. Deepika

Mrs. Deepika

तब से ऑनलाइन
06/02/2024, 5:16 AM
Pr. Shyam
Pr. Ardon Ward, Pr. Jayant K Rajan, Mrs. Nirupama Ardon Ward, Mrs. Deepika