Hindi Sabbath School

07 आशा से प्रेरित

The “present truth” message as discovered by William Miller through a literal reading of Scripture focused on the hope in the soon appearing of the Messiah.

The “present truth” message as discovered by William Miller through a literal reading of Scripture focused on the hope in the soon appearing of the Messiah.

Pr. Shyam

Pr. Shyam

Pr. Ardon Ward

Pr. Ardon Ward

Pr. Jayant K Rajan

Pr. Jayant K Rajan

Mrs. Deepika

Mrs. Deepika

Mrs. Nirupama Ardon Ward

Mrs. Nirupama Ardon Ward

तब से ऑनलाइन
05/24/2024, 6:05 AM
Pr. Shyam
Pr. Ardon Ward, Pr. Jayant K Rajan, Mrs. Deepika, Mrs. Nirupama Ardon Ward