Hindi Sabbath School

Hope Sabbath School is a weekly in-depth interactive study of the Word of God.

Hindi Sabbath School


13 The End of God’s Mission

Our calling to proclaim “present truth” to the world will exist right up until everyone has made the choice for or against God.

12 Esther and Mordecai

Through a series of providences, Esther became the queen. She showed how God’s people, even in foreign environments, can witness for truth.

11 Mission to the Unreached: Part 2

This week we will study the Bible story of Christ’s mission to Tyre and Sidon and draw lessons to apply to our lives today.

10 Mission to the Unreached: Part 1

This week we will see how Paul went about seeking to reach the unreached, and what can we learn from his attempts.

09 Mission to the Powerful

This week we will explore God’s mission to the rich and powerful. Journey with us as we see how God reached some of these people.

08 Mission to the Needy

God has a plan to reach those who might be needy in any number of ways. We must be ready to do what we can to help.

07 Mission to My Neighbor

If someone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar. This is the key to this week’s study.

06 Motivation and Preparation for Mission

This week we will look at some events in the early church that can give us guidance on these crucial parts of the mission.

05 Excuses to Avoid Mission

What can we learn from Jonah’s attitude about the excuses that we can make in order not to do the mission? Let’s find out in this week’s program.

04 Sharing God’s Mission

We will see three great spiritual qualities of Abraham, hospitality, love, and prayer. These qualities can greatly aid in the mission.

03 God’s Call to Mission

God wants us to reach out to the people around us. Though persecution came and people suffered, these unfortunate events became a means of spreading the good news all over the world.

02 God’s Mission to Us: Part 2

In spite of separation caused by sin (Isa. 59:2), through His mission, God continues to restore the broken rela- tionship with humanity. Because of this relationship, we not only come to know God but also share with others our experience with Him and His saving love.

About the Show

Hope Sabbath School is a weekly in-depth interactive study of the Word of God.

Hindi Sabbath School
Hindi Sabbath School
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