Latest Episodes

13 परमेश्वर का चुनाव

Our choices today will have a great impact in the future. It is important to wisely choose them. Join us as we help you make such touch decisions.

13 राजा द्वारा परमेश्वर की महिमा।

Let us unlock some of the hidden gems in the book of Daniel in this series with Pr. Shyam.

13 यीशु  सबसे महान वेध

Jesus is the lifeline without who we have no hope of eternal life. This help comes from above. Learn how Jesus helps you from day to day with Dr. Rebecca Singh.

13 उपसंहार: यीशु और उसके वचन को जानना।

We will look at some of this Gospel’s key points, which can help us move beyond the mere head knowledge of Jesus to, instead, knowing Him better and more closely abiding in Him and in His Word.

12 चुनाव के द्वारा जीवन

Our choices today will have a great impact in the future. It is important to wisely choose them. Join us as we help you make such touch decisions.

12 राजा का दूसरा स्वप्न।

Let us unlock some of the hidden gems in the book of Daniel in this series with Pr. Shyam.

12 अनंत जीवन के लिए मुझे क्या करना चाहिए

Jesus is the lifeline without who we have no hope of eternal life. This help comes from above. Learn how Jesus helps you from day to day with Dr. Rebecca Singh.

12 महिमा का समय: क्रूस और पुनरुत्थान।

John presents the Cross as the enthronement of Jesus, particularly tied to the idea of the hour, which is referred to numerous times throughout the book.